The Power of Patience
It can be easy to look at your life and feel like what you want will never arrive. Patience allows you to sit back and enjoy where you’re at, while you taking actions toward your desires.
Only in the last few years have I been able to fully understand the beauty of patience, and how it applies to everyday life. There are things we can take action on (e.g. applying to jobs, developing skills, and understanding ourselves), and there are the opportunities life presents.
When I was getting started on my spiritual path, my life nothing close to what I expected it to be. I wanted what everyone my age had, like marriage and kids, instead I was unemployed and broke, going through mental illness and trying to figure my life out. For years I woke up wishing I had a job, any job. Now I can see that time was my greatest gift, and lead to my life’s purpose of sharing what I learned.
The Universe has greater plans for you than you can imagine. Think back to your first true love. At one point in your life you likely wanted to be with them forever. Now, imagine what life would be like if the current version of you was married to that person. Over time, it’s likely you’ve grown and expanded to a new level of partnership than you were able to have back then.
This pattern can show up in other areas of your life. Patience means being able to trust in the timing of your own path, without comparing it to another’s. Can you trust that what’s for you will be yours? We won’t always get what we want in this lifetime, but letting go of the control around when and how we receive will make our life more joyful and true to ourselves.
To practice patience, think back to a time you really, really wanted a certain outcome, and didn’t get your way. Maybe you were running late and ended up bumping into an important person on your way, or maybe you didn’t get that job but ended up starting a new path instead. Big or small, once we start noticing the times when the redirection worked in our favour, we can start trusting in the unfolding of our lives.