The Way We Feel, and Why

I used to think that feelings were a burden, but through my journey of self-discovery, I now realize that they’re the most helpful guideposts in achieving our true desires. Situations that bring hard feelings (sadness, grief, or fear) are often unchangeable, however, sometimes these feelings are simply life’s way of saying "hello! you’re not meant to be here”. You become so uncomfortable where you’re at that you need to start doing things differently. Often when you hear about someone’s spiritual journey, they’ve had to become “rock-bottomed” in order to get there.

My rock bottom was getting let go a few months after a traumatic near-death experience sunk me into mental illness. Although all I wanted to do was get another similar job, something quiet inside whispered “not yet”, and I finally took the time to feel. Before this happened, I was already pretty low. On the outside, I looked happy, but I was working at a job that made me miserable, and didn’t have much in my life that truly filled me up. For most of my life, I had been pushing towards an end goal, instead of letting my feelings guide me towards a life that lights me up.

When you’re “down”, it’s so easy to go even lower - the same when you’re “high”. The smallest thing can turn a good day, into a great one, like a spiral effect. The “Emotional Guidance Scale” shows our feelings on a vibrational level. The higher we feel, the higher the vibration.

Image c/o Reset NYC

When we’re at the bottom, we often think something big has to shift in order to take us to the top. Looking at our feelings like a spiral, it’s much less overwhelming to simply take any step in helping yourself feel a little better. Sometimes our feelings are telling us a situation is no longer serving us, or that we need to take action. Other times it’s to slow down and start living in the present, instead of worrying about the past. Tuning into how you feel, by sitting with yourself enough to notice, gives you instant radars to what’s a hell yes, and what’s a no. For example, anxiety can be caused by diet, situational stressors, or a plethora of other external causes, but it can also be our body telling us we need to do something differently.

Instead of simply living to get from Point A to B, why not tune into how you feel on the way, and trust yourself in making the right decisions for you? Feelings are how our genius self nudges at our conscious self, so take advantage of your intuition, and try living a day guided by how you feel. You might notice a shift in the foods you eat, or how you spend your time. Searching for things that create joy in our lives often brings us back to basics. For me, it’s sunshine, yoga, long walks, and laughter. For you, it might be playing guitar, going for a run, or mixing up a batch of brownies. Let this new way of thinking (or feeling), show you that creating big changes in your life can be easy, it just starts with a step in the right direction.


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